Friday 21 October 2011

The very sad end of Gadaffi: lesson for all leaders!

 Take a good look at this man. Yeah, the man in the picture. Take a very good look at him. Yes, that's the face of a confirmed idiot! You don't agree? Okay, take a look at the picture below. Now you agree?

I don't know why these African leaders always think with their asses. You have ruled your country for over 40 years - with an iron hand for that matter - you have placed your children in the choicest positions of Government; you have run the country like you run your own family; you have used the country's money to set up private business enterprises in various countries; you have violated every human right rule known to man; what more could you want? When the people cried foul, you used them as human shields against fire power, you refused to relinquish power; for what purpose? Now you're dead! killed like a chicken, or better still, like a rabbit hunted down to its hole. What a shame!

To many people though, he was a hero, a fine soldier, a brave man, a leader. But to me, he was the greatest coward ever heard of, a dictator, a tyrant. But I feel sorry for him though, I honestly do. I know that he was not a master of his own actions, he was being led by the "African mentality" of our African leaders who want to cling to power by all means necessary at the expense of the respect that is due to them. After ruling Libya for 42 years, Gadaffi was a legend; he was a force to reckon with but he decided to throw away all that respect and relevance for more years in power. In other countries, the West to be precise, people resign from their exalted positions just for making wrong comments, for making wrong decisions and for being involved in scandals, whether moral or otherwise. But in Africa, it is not so! They will rather die shamefully than give up power.

A few years ago, our very own Baba Iyabo tried to hatch his third term bid; but thanks to democracy, he did not succeed. I remember then, his spokes man, Femi Fani-Kayode referred to him as the Messiah and the only person that can deliver Nigeria and I was like "After eight years"? It took Jesus Christ just three years to perfect his Ministry! And then the case of Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivorien President who refused to give up power after an election he lost, was the most annoying. A few months ago, Hosni Mubarak was shamefully dethroned after a series of protests by the people. And a few months before that too Ben Ali of Tunisia was forced to flee his seat as President after a month of protests.

There's a plethora of cases of African Presidents and heads of state not willing to give up power even after their term expires. Why are African leaders so power-drunken? It is just a pity. The annoying thing about all these is that those leaders who are still clinging to power now will never learn from the mistakes of those before them. But I don't blame them; Gadaffi did not learn either. But see where it has landed him! Who's next?
Now who's the rat; NTC or Gadaffi?

lifeless body of Gadaffi

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