Tuesday 18 October 2011

To my Childhood...

I know very many of you will be staring at this picture and you'll be like "aaawww, what a cute baby"! For some of you who like to drool, I'm sure you're doing that already; but drooling is allowed, this blog is droolproof...lol.

Yep, that's me..in case you were wondering. If the information I got is correct, that would be me when I was about 6 months old. I was going through some of my old stuff when I stumbled on this picture and I immediately fell in love with it...again! Who would have thought that I was this cute when I was a baby? How time flies! I almost don't believe that this is me. Not that I look so bad now, but mehn! I was a stunner! Take a good look at the afro, the bulging eyes, the pink, supple lips; not to even mention the bling bling! Back in the days, Terry G and all those bling freaks would not compete with me.

But seriously, this is the reason why my sister keeps telling me "your wife must be fine oh! She must be beauty in the eyes of every beholder, not just in your eyes" and I kinda agree with her. I mean, in searching for a wife or husband, one must put everything into consideration. While it is extremely advisable to look out for the inner beauty, one must not neglect the physical appearance as well...that is equally important! As our comedians will always say, "we must help our generation". So I'm searching for a wife that can be rated as balanced. I do not expect her to possess all the virtues in the Holy Book, but I also do not expect less in her appearance. So help me God!

Anyways, enough of the wife advert. I guess very many people would like to go back into time and be babies once more...when you didn't have to worry about a thing, didn't care about running around the neighbourhood naked, didn't have to pay rent, school fees, buy food etc. Such is the beauty of childhood...no worries. But alas! We must grow up to become men and Women, with the ability to fend for ourselves until the cycle of dependency runs its full course.

So, here I am, with a glass filled with wine (at least in my mind), giving a toast to all those who miss their childhood. You also will have children that you can be proud of. Amen!

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